Nasim Farahani Zayas, PhD - Programme Officer
Nasim Farahani Zayas, PhD - Programme Officer at IUCN Academy
Where are you from and what is your educational background?
I am from a mix of countries and a biologist by formation. I did my bachelor's degree in Brazil, my master’s degree in the Netherlands, and finally, my PhD in Lausanne. During the latter, I studied plant molecular biology.
Why did you decide to pursue the PhD/Post-doc journey?
I always enjoyed teaching science and my dream back then was to be a professor at the university. Naturally, the first step to achieve was by doing a PhD.
It is often said that the PhD is a marathon, not a sprint race. What are your thoughts about it?
Absolutely. In my experience, it often felt like running a marathon amidst pouring rain, swirling tornadoes, and unexpected obstacles falling from the sky.
When did you decide that you didn’t want to pursue an academic career? Was it before starting your PhD journey or during your PhD Studies (at the start, mid, at the end or after)?
When I suddenly realized that I wanted my life to be more than just my name on a paper. This was somewhere in the middle of my PhD.
When did you transition into a nonprofit organization?
About 6 months ago.
What is a current position?
As of now I am a Temporary Programme Officer, but very soon removing the temporary out of it. This is my first formal job outside of academia.
Is your job related to what you have done during your PhD/Post-doc?
Scientifically, no. And if I think about it, that's also the reason why I had a harder time finding a job.
What are the aspects that you like the most about your job?
I really enjoy the projects I am working on, so when I reach the end of the day, I feel really fulfilled. Moreover, fostering relationships with my coworkers and boss is far smoother than it was during my PhD.
How has your work-life balance changed since moving to nonprofit?
I have a life after 5 pm!
How did you adapt to the cultural and operational differences between academia and nonprofit organizations?
The transition was quite smooth. I found myself feeling more "free," if that makes sense. The pressure and stress in academia is insane, so when you start working in a "normal" job, everything feels more relaxed. In terms of cultural differences, I feel that the current work environment I am in now is less toxic than the academic world. People have a smaller ego and even the competition between co-workers is less intense and toxic.
Were there any new skills or knowledge areas you had to develop for your role in a nonprofit organization?
Definitely, especially in the field of e-learning. In my current role, I can truly put into practice the soft skills acquired during my PhD, such as project and time management.
How difficult was it, to gain the required knowledge when you first started your job(s)?
Took me a couple of weeks, but it felt natural.
What was your experience concerning the transition into a nonprofit organization? What were some of the challenges you faced during your transition?
I've had a difficult time trying to find a job right after my PhD. This could have been due to my field of study and the fact that I aimed to transition to a job that didn't require those scientific skills. As a result, I received zero interview invitations, and there were several moments when I felt like giving up. It took me about 9 months to finally sign a contract – which, if you think about it, isn't that bad. I guess I was very optimistic when I graduated, thinking it would be easy peasy to land the 'job of my dreams'.
What helped you before the transition (career events, workshops, contacting people on LinkedIn, friends)?
I used to be part of a student organization at UNIL (ADAS), where we organized many career events and mini-conferences. The skills I acquired while organizing those events and networking really helped me understand what kind of job(s) I wanted to pursue.
According to you which are the personal/soft skills that are mostly needed to undergo a successful transition into a nonprofit organization?
Resilience, adaptability, troubleshooting, time management, and, very importantly, proactiveness.
What advice made the difference in your professional development?
Don't be afraid of being unemployed right after your studies. And don't compare yourself too much with others – everyone has their own pace!
What aspects of your academic studies helped you during your transition in a nonprofit organization (ppt presentation, public speaking, teaching, scientific project management, teamwork, multitasking etc)?
In my current role, I have benefited more from the soft skills I acquired during my PhD studies, such as project management, time management, proactiveness, and multitasking.
It is also said that networking plays an important role in professional transitions. Was it the case for you?
Networking opened my eyes to all the different opportunities available, including jobs that I never thought existed! Networking with the right people also gave me the courage to pursue this transition.
Did you do one or multiple internship(s), traineeship(s), BNF project(s), in the private sector after your PhD studies or Postdoc before being hired for a more “permanent” job in this sector? If yes, was it via the unemployment program?
I had an amazing experience with the unemployment program, which has led me to a job I truly enjoy. As I wrap up my BNF project, I'll transition seamlessly into a permanent position with the same organization.
What advice would you give to PhDs and postdocs who are willing to look for opportunities outside research academia, in industry, or in a nonprofit organization?
Don't be afraid to try new things or take risks. Sometimes, that's the best way to transition from academia and find a job you truly enjoy.
If you could go back, would you change anything about your career path?
Not at all. Thanks to it I matured and can thrive in difficult and stressful situations.
What can I wish you for the next coming years?
For continued growth, success, and fulfillment both personally and professionally!
Nasim’s LinkedIn: