Do you know the Syni program?

Earlier this year I wrote a blog post about the BNF program and how this program facilitates the employability of unemployed persons. I recently discovered the Syni program which offers unemployed professionals the opportunity to participate in missions in the international cooperation sector through the Federal Temporary Employment Programme (PETF), aimed at increasing employability. Syni helps individuals develop specific skills, improve language proficiency, gain experience, and expand their professional network to enhance their competitiveness in the job market. Both BNF and Syni are national programs that welcome participants from across Switzerland. However, most of the PETF positions are in Geneva, where their partner institutions' headquarters are based.

Syni program in a few bullet points:

  • Purpose of Syni

    • Provides opportunities for unemployed professionals to engage in missions in the international cooperation sector.

    • Operates under Emploi Lausanne of the City of Lausanne's Labour Service.

  • PETF Program

    • Aims to enhance employability by defining personal objectives and securing adapted positions in partner host institutions.

  • Training Courses

    • Seven-day courses to assess professional projects' relevance and develop specific skills for the international cooperation job market.

    • Offers around fifteen training courses focusing on professional and soft skill enhancement.

  • Syni Counsellor

    • Supports in defining and validating professional projects.

    • Facilitates application processes and organizes PETF positions.

    • Provides personalized follow-up throughout the PETF.

  • Opportunities and Duration

    • Offers positions in international organizations, NGOs, and Swiss institutions for a six-month period.

Have a look at their website:



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