I am pursuing a Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Professional Certificate

I’ve always loved learning. When I was a kid, I was always asking tons of questions to my mother to understand the world around me. Recognizing this curiosity, my mother frequently gifted me science books. And I think that is why I pursued a PhD in Life Sciences. I love asking questions and the process of answering them.

In some of my previous articles, I’ve talked about doing Business Intelligence (BI) in my current job position. While on the job, I have discovered several tools that could enhance my BI tasks. One of the tools is Power BI by Microsoft. The more I explored and watched YouTube tutorials on it, the more I wanted to dive deep and learn how to use Power BI to help me in my job. That’s why I decided to get a Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Professional Certificate on Coursera.

What is Power BI? Power BI is a powerful data visualization and business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft. It allows users to connect to a wide array of data sources, transforming data into interactive dashboards and reports. The tool provides robust analytics and sharing capabilities, enabling organizations to make informed decisions based on real-time data insights. It's widely used for its user-friendly interface and integration with other Microsoft products.

The Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Professional Certificate, offered by Coursera in collaboration with Microsoft, equips learners with essential skills in Power BI, preparing them for careers in business intelligence.

The professional certificate in a nutshell:

  • The course is designed for beginners and requires five months of commitment at 10 hours per week.

  • Skills gained include Data Analysis, Microsoft Excel, SQL, Power BI, and Power Query.

  • Learners will acquire skills in using Power BI to connect to data sources, the ETL process, Data Modeling, create reports and dashboards, and prepare for the Microsoft PL-300 Certification exam.

  • Graduates are eligible for job titles like Business Intelligence Analyst, Business Data Analyst, and Power BI Analyst.

  • The instructor is from Microsoft.

I got curious and now I have completed the first two modules. Despite the challenges of understanding new concepts, the course format which includes exercises, videos, and exams—has progressively increased my confidence in using Power BI to facilitate informed decisions.

I have 5 other modules to complete, it will take me a few more months of hard work, consistency, and motivation but I am happy that I decided to start this new adventure.


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